What is LTKL
Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL) is a district government association formed and managed by the district government in order to realize sustainable development that protects the environment and improves the welfare of the community through mutual cooperation. LTKL is a sustainable development caucus of the Association of District Governments throughout Indonesia (APKASI) which was established in July 2017.
Currently, LTKL has 9 member districts in 6 provinces in Indonesia and works side by side with 21 multistakeholder partner networks. The General Meeting of LTKL Members in 2019 decided that sustainable commodities, especially downstream natural-based products, were a priority for LTKL members to achieve the national target of obtaining quality investment, creating jobs and preventing disasters. As a forum, LTKL functions to help member districts develop implementation strategies, connect with the right partners to increase capacity & get incentives for sustainable development efforts as well as share opportunities and challenges for sustainable development to the public.
Implementation of sustainable development at the district level to support the national priority agenda of the Republic of Indonesia
Protection enviromental functions and prospering the community in the administrative areas of member districts in accordance with the national target of the Republic of Indonesia
LTKL 2030 Target To focus on the vision and mission to be achieved, in 2021 at the General Meeting of LTKL Members, the Vision of the Sustainable District 2030 was declared. This declaration is a commitment of member districts to work together with cross-sectoral parties to achieve:
- Successfully protecting Fifty percent (50%) of forest, peat and important ecosystems; as well as the welfare of 1 million families in LTKL member districts.
- Successfully developing a Mutual Cooperation Network for multi-stakeholder sustainable development.
- Successfully developed a ‘Recipe’ for Sustainable Development that can be replicated by all districts in Indonesia.
The LTKL Secretariat as part of the ‘backbone’ whose role is to assemble mutual cooperation in helping achieve the 2030 target through, (I) Bringing Incentive Opportunities closer, (II) Linking Partner Networks, (III) Helping to increase regional capacity based on five pillars
Institutional Structure
LTKL functions to help member districts develop implementation strategies, connected with the right partners to increase capacity
Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari
Grha Tirtadi Lantai 3 No.308
Jl. Pangeran Antasari No.18A
Cipete Selatan
Jakarta Selatan, 12410
Telepon: (021) 7591-7250