Sustainable District Outlook: A Platform for Sharing the Journey of Innovation and Transformation Towards Independence by 2045

LTKL and 9 Districts Present a Vision for Sustainable Transformation, Thoroughly Discussing Achievements from Three Perspectives: Sustainable Commodity Supply Chain Management, Forest and Peat Fire Solutions through Innovation and Multi-Stakeholder Governance, and the Development of Biodiversity-Based Conservation Innovation Models.
Jakarta, July 9, 2024 – The Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL) is hosting the Sustainable District Outlook 2024 with the theme “Transforming towards a Sustainable District: Indonesia’s Vision for 2045 – Action, Innovation, and Collaboration.” This event brings together key stakeholders, including district governments, development partners, the private sector, and local communities, to highlight how the 9 LTKL districts are progressing in their commitment to transition into green districts, while promoting best practices and multi-stakeholder collaboration models that accelerate various changes within the districts.
The Sustainable District Outlook is held alongside the annual LTKL General Members Meeting, marked by the launch of the LTKL annual report. Based on the 2030 Vision Declaration for Sustainable Districts, LTKL members are committed to protecting at least 50% of important ecosystems and improving the welfare of approximately 1 million families living nearby. To achieve these goals, LTKL employs a collective and collaborative approach centered around five main pillars: Regional Planning, Policy Innovation & Regulatory Framework, Strengthening Multi-Stakeholder Processes, Developing Sustainable Business Innovations, and Reporting Progress and Communication.
Ristika Putri Istanti, Head of the LTKL Secretariat, stated, “The year 2024 is a significant moment for Indonesia with a governmental transition that will influence sustainable development policies and plans. LTKL, as an association of district governments focused on sustainable land development and management, collaborates with nine member districts and 26 development partners.”
Since the declaration of Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL) as an association in 2017, LTKL has achieved various significant milestones. Over the past year, several key achievements have been highlighted. A total of 361,309.61 hectares of land across 9 districts have been legalized through agrarian reform regulations. Additionally, 78,421.31 hectares of land in 6 districts have been designated as Sustainable Agricultural Land (LP2B). On another front, 243 collaborative programs have been developed in 7 districts, connecting 298 local youth with green jobs.
Overall, LTKL members have made breakthroughs, particularly in promoting nature-based innovations. Notably, commitments for investments and program collaborations valued at over 300 billion IDR were secured from the momentum of the Festival Lestari held in mid-2023. Furthermore, operational support funds for SMEs amounting to 1.173 billion IDR from LTKL partners have been allocated for the development of 115 businesses through 29 programs across 6 districts, supporting local economies and sustainable development. Public incentives, such as the Reforestation Fund from Palm Oil Revenue Sharing (DBH Sawit) totaling over 54 billion IDR, have been received and managed by Siak district. Throughout this year, 54 partners have been working at both the national and local levels to support member districts in their transformation efforts.
Dr. Jarot Winarno, the Regent of Sintang and Chairman of LTKL, stated, “The presentation of the vision and achievements of the LTKL secretariat and member districts at this event marks a new phase for LTKL. Currently, the districts within LTKL are beginning to explore a new economic model, specifically a restorative economy. Many LTKL districts face disaster threats and limitations in improving their economies. For instance, some districts have 70% palm oil plantations, while others contain more than half peatland and forests. Therefore, two pathways for transformation are being pursued. The Sustainable District Outlook highlights two economic transformation models being promoted in the districts: the first is based on transforming sustainable supply chains, and the second focuses on developing nature-based innovations from biodiversity.”
“We have achieved many breakthroughs, such as how Aceh Tamiang successfully accelerated the bureaucratic process for obtaining the Plantation Business Permit (STDB) in the palm oil sector. Land Certificates (SHM) have become easier to obtain, and to date, farmers in Aceh Tamiang have received 2,000 SHM free of charge and 4,000 STDB, which is about 40% of the national target. Additionally, Sintang district has launched the Sintang Collaborative Governance Regulation, an innovative policy that formally establishes multi-stakeholder collective work as the working model in Sintang. Another planning achievement is the integration of the Regional Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPD) documents for the period 2025-2045, which includes commitments to protect ecosystems, accelerate nature-based innovations and investments, and develop local businesses and human resources in the district.”
The various achievements highlighted in the Sustainable District Outlook align with national agenda directives, particularly regarding sustainable development. Indonesia is currently promoting the strengthening of regulatory frameworks for the preservation and utilization of genetic resources focused on bioprospecting and bioeconomy. This includes enhancing downstream processes and developing nature-based products involving the business sector, strengthening national research and innovation, building community capacity for managing genetic resources, enforcing laws against biopiracy, and fostering cross-sector synergy among stakeholders.
The government has detailed plans for utilizing these two approaches, which include developing new innovation-based economic sectors such as biosimilars and vaccines, plant-based proteins, and creating high-value-added green industries like food biochemistry, herbal products, and nutrition. These initiatives are outlined in the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2025-2045 as part of a new economic transformation strategy and are reinforced by the inclusion of the Biodiversity Management Index (IPK) as one of 45 indicators in the draft RPJPN 2024-2045.
Dr. Vivi Yulaswati, MSc., Deputy for Maritime Affairs and Natural Resources at the Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS, stated, “Indonesia is committed to implementing and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The principles of sustainability need to be integrated into all aspects of development at every level of government and jurisdiction. Wise and sustainable local government governance is a concrete step in this direction. We appreciate the commitment of the nine member districts of LTKL, which are implementing various innovations and developing portfolios based on sustainable development in line with national development goals.”
Ir. Medrilzam, M.Prof. Econ, Ph.D., Acting Director of Forestry and Water Resource Conservation at the Ministry of National Development Planning/BAPPENAS, added, “The policy direction of the National Long-Term Development Plan (RPJPN) 2024-2045 focuses on developing innovation and research-based industries, particularly to promote the blue economy, green economy, and bioeconomy. This includes enhancing sustainable products from biological resources through bioprospecting at the genetic and species levels, increasing the added value of biodiversity-based products, and developing and managing digital sequence information or genetic resources, as well as utilizing ecosystem services and tourism services with the application of inclusive and sustainable principles that uphold equality for the welfare of society, while protecting and respecting local wisdom and national sovereignty.” He further expressed appreciation for the commitment shown by the nine member districts, as evidenced by the integration of regional planning with various innovations and nature-based portfolio developments aligned with national development goals.
- Pradana Indraputra, Special Staff for Enhancing National Entrepreneurship, stated, “The Ministry of Investment/BKPM has published a study on the Indonesian government’s efforts to encourage global investment and a green economy. This reflects the government’s commitment and efforts, through the Ministry of Investment/BKPM, to map potential sectors that can support green investment, analyze issues on the ground, and develop operational strategies for feasible capital investment. Some strategies the government is implementing related to the green economy include developing specific policy and regulatory frameworks for the green economy; restructuring institutions for a stronger, non-overlapping green economy; synchronizing the green economy roadmap with the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) and investment roadmap; aligning support systems for NDC financing and investment; expanding bilateral and multilateral cooperation specifically for accelerating the green economy transition; and optimizing the role of government representatives for continuous ‘green branding,’” Pradana explained. He emphasized appreciation for the commitment of the nine member districts, as evidenced by the integration of regional planning with various innovations and nature-based portfolio developments aligned with the objectives of this study.
Sarman Simanjorang, Executive Director of Apkasi, added, “Apkasi welcomes and appreciates LTKL for organizing the Sustainable District Outlook. As a strategic partner of Apkasi, LTKL consistently provides innovations, breakthroughs, and inspiration for tangible, cooperative, and collaborative steps to promote a sustainable economy in the districts. This aligns with what Apkasi is doing, and we are committed to encouraging all Apkasi member districts to also commit to and replicate similar efforts according to their respective district characteristics, aiming for a Golden Indonesia by 2045.”
During this occasion, the Sigi Investment Outlook titled “Regenerative Economy: Investment Appeal of the Jurisdiction in Sigi District, Central Sulawesi, 2024” was launched. This is the second investment portfolio launched by a member district of LTKL, following the Siak Investment Outlook released in 2022. “This document is expected to serve as a reference and guideline for investors, funders, and strategic stakeholders at the local, national, and global levels who are seeking green investment portfolios based on biodiversity and value-added innovations rooted in nature,” said Ristika Putri Istanti, Head of the LTKL Secretariat.
In addition to the Sustainable District Outlook, LTKL also regularly holds the Festival Lestari, a platform for promoting and celebrating multi stakeholder cooperation for sustainable development in LTKL member districts. The festival was first held in 2018 in Musi Banyuasin District, South Sumatra, and takes place every two years, with each LTKL member taking turns to host. Following its successful organization in 2023 in Sigi, Central Sulawesi, LTKL is currently preparing for the upcoming Festival Lestari, which will be held in West Kalimantan, featuring a collaborative model among three districts: Sanggau, Sintang, and Kapuas Hulu.