Annual Report LTKL 2022-2023
Lingkar Temu Kabupaten Lestari (LTKL) or Sustainable District Association is an association of districts aimed at realizing a sustainable economic vision through a spirit of multi-stakeholder collaboration. LTKL has nine member districts in six provinces in Indonesia and works alongside 27 development network partners at the global, national, and regional levels. After completing Phase 1 “Mengakar” (to grow roots) (2017-2022), LTKL has now entered Phase 2 “Tumbuh” (Growth) (2023-2025), which is crucial for nurturing and strengthening the institutions, partnerships, and foundational capacities of the LTKL ecosystem, with a clear direction towards achieving the 2030 targets.
This annual report contains:
- LTKL’s Profile
- Impact Numbers
- Progress in Achieving 2023 Targets
- Connectivity of District Performance with Incentive Opportunities
- Summary of Collaborations
- Impact Stories
- Institutional and Secretarial Development

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