Kab. Aceh Tamiang
Program Head of The Multistakeholder Cooperation Unit
Aceh Tamiang is one of the districts in Aceh province. The district is quite active in promoting sustainable plantations through the establishment of the Center of Excellence for Sustainable Plantation (Indonesia: Pusat Unggulan Perkebunan Lestari/PUKL), a multi-stakeholder forum consisting of development partners, private sectors, local communities and associations aimed to accelerate SDGs achievements in the district. This forum is facilitated by the District Government with a common vision integrated into the regional planning document (RPJMD).
Meurah Budiman, S.H., M.H.
Vice Regent
Tengku Insyafuddin. ST
Potential Commodities
Palm oil, rubber, coffee, cacao, coconut, sugarcane, sugar palm, sago, betel palm